Wirral Naturist Club

Weekend swim and social club. Membership is comprised of families, couples and singles, and welcome all genuine naturists who wish to visit one of the gatherings.

WNC run Chester, Ormskirk and Stoke on Trent Swim


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Naturist Information Publicly Available: 


Wirral Naturist Club
Victoria Road
CH2 2AU Chester , CHS
United Kingdom
Phone: 07884 022146
0° 0' 0.0036" N, 0° 0' 0.0036" E
Cheshire GB


That is an opinion.

That is an opinion. Are you meaning WNC or the swim venues?

Pat One Life - Live It

I see it as - there are more

I see it as - there are more men than women (so we are told) interested in a naturist lifestyle.

We are also told some women feel "intimidated" by an abundance of men - naked or not (more so naked I assume)

We hear that club/swim organisers are afrraid that if they admit more men to events they will lose the women in attendance as they are intimidated by an abundance of men.

So less women at events makes the assumption there are more men than women interested in a naturist lifestlye and as there are more men the women will not attend.

This is an observation and does not reflect my own situation.

Pat One Life - Live It

I question in these days of

I question in these days of equality how single men are treated less favourably (equality act 2010). To name but one act on equality for all. Are these private run clubs legal allowed to put themselves above the laws of the land, or are they run on some old boys network.?

Does this club have a

Does this club have a constitution? Does it state that gender balance (to the point of exclusion) is their aim? If so they should make it clear on their website and other published material, and to the publicly subsidised organisations whos facilities that they use.

Somehow I think you will need to ask them.
Not a question we can answer here.

Pat One Life - Live It